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Basic Removal Kit
Please allow 3 to 4 days for for this kit to ship. A beginner Tree removal kit, with everything you need to start your life as an Arborist! Kit includes Saddle - Weaver Cougar Spurs - Buckingham Steel Spurs With Cast Aluinium Pads (Tree Gaffs) Flipline - 12’ 1/2” Climb Right Flipline Kit (1 AM’D Carabiner) Rope - Arbor Plex 150’ Prussik - Micro Pulley Set: 11mm - 12mm Ropes (2 AM’D Carabiners) Gear bag - Large Canvas Bag 3 Carabiners - Petzl Am’d Gaff Guards - Leather Tree Climbers Companion
Advanced Removal Kit
Due to backordered spurs, this kit will not ship until late February or early march. Everything you need for more advanced tree removals! This kit comes with upgrades from the basic removal kit and gives the climber the ability to work both with double rope technique as well as single line. Kit includes Saddle - Petzl Sequoia Spurs - Bucklight Titanium Spurs with Big Buck Wrap Pads Flipline - Gibbs Klimair 15’ Flipline (1 AM’D Carabiner) Rope - 200’ Velocity With Spliced Eye Prussik - Hitch Climber Set: 11mm-12mm Ropes(2 Petzl Am'd Carabiners) Rope Wrench - Rope Wrench With 12” Tether(color may vary) Carabiner - Petzl OK For Rope Wrench Gear Bag - Large Canvas Bag Gaff Guards - Magnetic Buckingham Gaff Guards Tree Climbers Companion Sappy Supplies Shirt Sappy Soap
Basic Pruning Kit
Please allow 3 to 4 days for for this kit to ship. basic pruning kit gives the climber everything needed for basic rope climbing techniques! This kit allows for double rope technique only. Kit includes Saddle - Weaver Cougar Rope- Arbor Plex 150’ Throwline - Throwline Kit With 10oz and 12oz Weights Rope Lanyard - 12’ Arbospace Aspen Static Grizzly Spliced 2 in 1 Lanyard Prussik - Micro Pulley Set: 11mm - 12mm Ropes (2 AM’D Carabiners) Gear Bag - Large Canvas Bag Tree Climbers Companion Sappy Soap